During August we have been in full swing with the school holidays, here in the UK. For some of us it was the perfect time to take break, but overall, as a team we’ve been busier than we’ve ever been.
As we prepare for new projects, our team have utilised this month to conclude some of our larger booked projects! This is in readiness for the creative challenges ahead.
Time to delve deeper into what we’ve got up to this month…
Our Top 3 Monthly Projects!
Environmental training
The 7th instalment of environmental training for our manufacturing client this time covers the topic of hazardous waste generated from factories. It’s important for site managers and H&S managers to understand the regulations on how we can safely and legally discard of waste material generated from a factory. This is a virtually delivered course we have worked on this month.
Competency framework update
Every year we support some of our clients with the update of their competency framework, to ensure it correctly maps to the roles within their business and the supporting training options. This is one of the less creative projects we work on, but a competency framework is very important as to the success and accessibility of the courses linked to it. For courses to be seen by the right audience the competency framework should be reviewed annually.
Finance for the non-financial person
Within business we all, at some point come across certain terminologies and measures which we need to become familiar with in order to meet KPIs or in preparation for audit. This differs from business to business. Therefore, we have created a client-specific eLearning course that goes through all these terms and methodologies within finance for the non-financial person.
The Team Round-up
With it being the peak of summer and school holidays, a lot of our team have taken this opportunity to go on trips abroad with family and friends.
Rob went to Spain with his family for a week. Kris took a trip to one of the more local seaside towns; Filey, with his family. Catherine also went on a quick city trip to Milan.
Let’s see what their holidays looked like…

Judging by these photos they all got to soak up the sun and take in some lovely scenery. A deserved break for some of the team!
Also, we have had two August birthdays in the team. Firstly, it was our Digital Managing Consultant’s, Kris’ birthday and then Ben’s, our Senior Motion Graphic Designer.
It was a great welcome for Ben receiving his birthday present from us. Both him and Kris really appreciated their gifts.
The team activities didn’t stop there. Our team alongside Erango went for a curry night at a local restaurant to us.

We all got to enjoy each other’s company outside the workplace and most importantly learnt a lot about people’s spice levels.
After all of this fun, we all got to have a long weekend at the end of the month with it being a bank holiday here in the UK.
Some of us relaxed in the garden, whilst others went to their local pub and enjoyed a cocktail or two.
August has been jammed packed both workwise and socially. Although, every month is different for us. To learn more about our year so far visit our Monthly Round-up page where we share an insight into our business month-by-month.